BTEX Units
The BTEX condenser systems designed and manufactured by Global Vessel & Tank are utilized to capture toxic vapor emissions (benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene and xylene – known as BTEX) that are emitted through the process of glycol dehydration.
Our units operate in conjunction with your glycol re-boiler still column by means of an air-cooled heat exchanger – which is used to cool and condense BTEX and VOC vapors from the dehydrator still column to liquids. Condensed liquids are collected in a pressurized blow case tank, then transferred to production storage tanks.
This system eliminates BTEX and VOC vapor emissions in a very cost-effective manner. Typically, a unit pays for itself in approximately 12 – 14 months after installation, since the liquids recovered are of high grade hydrocarbons.
Our A-frame design BTEX unit includes a heavy duty steel structural skid, 30-gallon pneumatic blow-case, 12 oz. vapor relief valve with 0-15 oz. gauge, CRBBM relay and high level shut down switch.
Sizing of our BTEX units are based on the heat duty of the re-boiler.