Heater Treater

Global Vessel & Tank offers your company top quality vertical and horizontal heater treaters in both ASME code and non-code.

Our treaters are designed to efficiently break oil/water emulsions so that the oil can be sent to storage or a pipeline.

One major advantage of Global heater treaters is our exclusive and innovative no-leak fire tube flange called EnviroFlange. This groundbreaking flange greatly reduces the risks of fires, leaks, spills and other common hazards when utilizing pressure vessels.

Type A Vertical Heater Treaters

The wellstream enters the gas separation section at the top of the treater and is deflected outward by the fluid diverter. This action initiates the gas separation process. The oil, water, emulsion and solution gas flow downward through the downcomer pipe and strike a deflector plate. This breaks a large part of the emulsion.
The free water settles to the bottom section and is discharged from the vessel through the waterleg. Oil and emulsion distributed by the downcomer deflector plate into the hot water section begin to rise around the fire tube. As the fluids begin to rise, the increase in temperature breaks the emulsion. The water released coalesces to the bottom section of the vessel and is discharged along with the free water. The rest of the water is separated by gravity in the settling section. Clean oil at the top of the settling section exits the treater through piping onward to storage.

Entrained gas, which breaks out during the heating and retention cycle travels upward through an equalizer pipe and mixes with the cool incoming gas. This causes condensation of valuable heavier fractions in the gas, which are recovered in the oil. The gas continues to rise and flows through a mist extractor and out of the vessel.

Type B Vertical Heater Treaters

This treater basically works in the same fashion as the Type A vessel, however the Type B is provided with an internal heavy wall inlet line beginning in the hot water section and rising into the gas section of the treater. This line preheats the incoming well-stream a few degrees and improves release of the solution gas.

An internal heavy wall oil outlet line is also provided. This arrangement reduces heat loss, saves fuel and greatly reduces the hook-up cost. The internal oil outlet line releasing hot oil to storage will reduce the frequency of hot oiling flow lines where paraffin presents a problem.

Horizontal Heater Treater

Horizontal heater treaters have a large cross sectional interface area and are well suited for facilities producing high volumes of oil. The horizontal configuration allows for much larger fire tube construction, which is required to maintain proper heat levels needed for high capacity fluid flow.